In this article we will look into the list of User Entities that can be used to design HCM Extracts.
Want to learn Fusion Technical tools? Check out this article.
If you are new to HCM Extracts, please go through the below posts to get an idea of it.
- Basics of HCM Extracts in Fusion HCM
- Resolve A system error occurred during processing in Extracts
- Configure GMFZT logging for an HCM Extract
- New features in HCM Extracts in 19B release
- Importing Changes Only HCM Extract post 20A update
- Scheduling and Cancelling an existing schedule of HCM Extract
- Skip Output file of HCM Extract when no data is fetched
- Basics of Changes Only Functionality in HCM Extract
- Using Table based Valueset when DBI is unavailable
- Most frequently used User Entities in HCM Extracts
- How to view the output of HCM Extract run by other users?
- How to link/connect the User Entities in HCM Extracts
- Fix for assertion failure error in HCM Extracts
- Top 50 Interview questions and answers on HCM Extracts
- HCM Extracts Dynamic Output Filename guide
- SQL Query to find scheduled HCM Extracts
- Achieve complex requirements using Custom Global Reports Data Model
- Payroll Flow and HCM Extracts Mapping for Payroll Module
- Hiding XML nodes in HCM Extract Output
- Running the latest extract version using Payroll Flow
- How to convert HCM Extract Export XML to Readable format?
- Deleted Data Report using Audit Functionality
- Passing Logged in User details to HCM Extract
- How to handle FF not compiled error for HCM Extracts
- How to handle Daylight Savings timings for HCM Extract schedules
- HCM Extracts Design and Run Time Diagnostics Reports
- Implementing Bursting feature for HCM Extract
- Resolve HCM Extract No data error when using bursting
- Now we can extract HDL Import and HCM Extract Run Details in OTBI from 20D
- Solve manual FTP server update issue for HCM Extracts post every P2T refresh
User Entities are the basic building blocks of HCM Extracts and without them we cannot start developing the HCM Extract.
Here is the list of UEs split by Person, Assignment, Setup, Current and History levels
Person Current User Entities | Description |
PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE | Returns person data as on effective date for each person type. |
PER_EXT_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIERS_UE | Extract National Identifiers |
PER_EXT_ADDRESSES_UE | Extract Addresses |
PER_EXT_PERSON_ADDRESSES_UE | Extract Person Addresses |
PER_EXT_PHONES_UE | Extract Phones for a specific person as on specific date |
PER_EXT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_UE | Extract E-Mail Addresses for a specific person as on specific date |
PER_EXT_VISA_PERMITS_UE | Extract Visa Permits |
PER_EXT_CITIZENSHIPS_UE | Extract Person Citizenships |
PER_EXT_RELIGION_UE | Extract Person Religions |
PER_EXT_PASSPORT_UE | Extract Passports |
PER_EXT_APP_IDENTIFIERS_UE | Person External Application Identifiers |
PER_EXT_PER_ALL_LEGISLATIVE_DETAILS_UE | Extract People All Legislative Details |
PER_EXT_DRIVING_LICENSE_UE | Extract Driving License |
PER_EXT_ALL_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_UE | Extract E-Mail Addresses as on specific date |
PER_EXT_ALL_PHONES_UE | Extract Phones as on specific date |
PER_EXT_PERSON_DIRECTS_HIERARCHY_UE | Extract Person Directs Hierarchy |
PER_EXT_PERSON_MANAGERS_HIERARCHY_UE | Extract Person Managers Hierarchy |
PER_PER_PHONES_UE | Person Phones |
PER_PER_SENIORITY_DATES_UE | Extract Person Seniority Dates |
PER_SENIORITY_DATES_UE | This user entity is used for the seniority date information |
PER_SENIORITY_HOURS_UE | This user entity is used for the seniority hours information for a hours based worker. |
PER_SENIORITY_DATES_V3_SDC_UE | This user entity is used for the seniority date information for V3 . The Seniority date code should be provided as a context in this user entity |
PER_SENIORITY_DATES_V3_UE | This user entity is used for the seniority date information for V3. This is an array UE |
PER_SENIORITY_HOURS_V3_UE | This user entity is used for the seniority hours information for a hours based worker in V3 Seniority Dates |
PER_PERSON_DLVRY_METHODS_UE | Person Delivery Methods |
PER_PERSON_EIT_ALL_CONTEXT_UE | Person All Extra Information |
PER_PERSON_EMAIL_ADDRESS_UE | Person E-mail Address |
PER_PER_ALL_VISA_PERMITS_UE | Person All Visa Permits |
PER_PER_CITIZENSHIPS_UE | Person Citizenships |
PER_PER_CONTACTS_UE | Person Contacts |
PER_PER_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIPS_UE | Extract Person Contact Relationships |
PER_PER_DISABILITIES_UE | Extract Person Disabilities |
PER_PER_DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_UE | Person Documents of Record |
PER_PER_DRIVERS_LICENSE_TYPES_UE | Person Drivers License Type |
PER_PER_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_UE | Person E-Mail Addresses |
PER_PER_ETHNICITIES_ALL_UE | Extract Person Ethnicity |
PER_PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIERS_UE | Person National Identifiers |
Person History and Future User Entities | Description |
PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_NOW_FUTURE_UE | Current and future person details. |
PER_EXT_PERSON_CUR_FUTURE_BY_TYPE_UE | Extract Current and Future Persons by Type |
PER_EXT_PERSON_BY_TYPE_USAGE_UE | Returns current and future person data for each person type. |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_PERSON_UE | Historic details of a person. |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_PERSON_V2_UE | Historic details of a person. |
PER_PER_PEOPLE_HISTORY_UE | Array type of User Entity that returns basic person history details for a person. |
PER_PER_PASSPORT_UE | Person Passport History |
PER_EXT_HISTORY_ADDRESS_UE | Extract Person Address History |
PER_EXT_HISTORY_PERSON_NAMES_UE | Extract Person Name History |
Security User Entities | Description |
PER_EXT_ASE_ROLES_UE | Extract Global Roles |
PER_EXT_USERS_UE | Extract Users |
PER_EXT_USER_ROLES_UE | Extract Person User Roles |
Assignment Current User Entities | Description |
PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_UE | Assignment data along with action details, as on effective date. |
PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEE_UE | Returns Person, Assignment and Payroll details, as on effective date. |
PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_V2_UE | Returns Person, Assignment and Payroll details, as on effective date. |
PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_BASIC_UE | Assignment data as on effective date. |
PER_EXT_MANAGERS_UE | Extract Managers |
PER_EXT_MANAGER_DETAILS_UE | Extract Manager Details |
PER_EXT_MANAGER_HEADCOUNT_UE | Extract Manager Headcount |
PER_EXT_WORK_RELATIONSHIP_ALL_UE | Extract Work Relationships |
PER_EXT_WORK_RELATIONSHIP_UE | Person Work Relationships |
PER_EXT_WORK_MEASURES_UE | Extract Assignment Work Measures |
PER_EXT_SCHEDULE_ASG_EXCEPTION_UE | Extract Schedule Assignment Exception |
PER_EXT_PEOPLE_GROUPS_UE | Extract People Groups |
PER_ASG_GRADE_RATE_VALUES_UE | Assignment Grade Rate values |
PER_ASG_SEQ_HISTORY_DETAILS_UE | Array type of User Entity that returns historic assignment details for an assignment. |
PER_ASG_WORKING_HOUR_PATTERNS_UE | Extract Assignment Working Hour Patterns |
PER_ASG_WORK_CONTACTS_NEW_UE | Extract Assignment Contacts |
PER_ASSIGNMENT_EIT_ALL_CONTEXT_UE | Assignment All Extra Information |
Assignment History or Future User Entities | Description |
PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_NOW_FUTURE_UE | Current and future assignments, should mostly be used with hire action code in filter criteria. |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_ASSIGNMENTS_UE | Historic details of an assignment along with actions; sets the context such that all data is extracted as on assignment effective start date. |
PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_RANGE_UE | Historic details of an assignment along with actions; all the data including child data is extracted as on effective date. |
PER_EXT_ASSIGNMENT_BASIC_HISTORY_UE | Historic details of an assignment; sets the context such that all the data including child data is extracted as on assignment effective start date. |
PER_PERSON_HISTORY_ASSIGNMENTS_UE | Array type of User Entity that returns basic assignment history details for a person. |
PER_EXT_HISTORY_WORK_MEASURES_UE | Extract Work Measures History |
PER_EXT_HIST_ASG_SUPERVISORS_UE | Extract Assignment Supervisors History |
Setup Current User Entities | Description |
PER_EXT_SEC_ORGANIZATION_UE | Extract Secured Organizations |
PER_EXT_ORGANIZATION_TL_UE | Organization Translation |
PER_EXT_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_UE | Extract Organization Information |
PER_EXT_ORGANIZATION_TREE_UE | Extract Organization Tree |
PER_EXT_ORG_ORG_INFORMATION_UE | Extract Organization Information Array |
PER_ORGANIZATION_TREE_UE | Organization Tree |
PER_ORG_DEPARTMENT_TREE_ANCESTOR_UE | Organization Department Tree Ancestors |
PER_ORG_DEP_TREE_DESCENDANT_UE | Department Tree Descendants |
PER_ORG_ORG_TREE_DESCENDANT_UE | Organization Tree Descendants |
PER_EXT_DEPARTMENT_TREE_UE | Extract Department Tree |
PER_EXT_SEC_LOCATION_UE | Extract Secured Locations |
PER_EXT_LOCATION_DETAILS_TL_UE | Location Translation |
PER_LOCATION_EXTRA_INFO_ALL_UE | Location All Extra Information |
PER_LOCATION_LEG_ALL_CONTEXT_UE | Location All Legislative Information |
PER_EXT_SEC_JOB_UE | Extract Secured Jobs |
PER_EXT_JOBS_TL_UE | Job Translation |
PER_EXT_JOB_FAMILY_TL_UE | Job Family Translation |
PER_EXT_JOB_EVALUATION_UE | Extract Job Evaluations |
PER_JOB_EXTRA_INFO_ALL_UE | Job All Extra Information |
PER_JOB_PROFILE_UE | Extract Job Profiles |
PER_JOB_LEG_ALL_CONTEXT_UE | Job All Legislative Information |
PER_JOB_VALID_GRADES_UE | Job Valid Grades |
PER_EXT_SEC_POSITION_UE | Extract Secured Positions |
PER_EXT_POSITIONS_TL_UE | Position Translation |
PER_EXT_POSITION_EVALUATION_UE | Extract Position Evaluations |
PER_EXT_POSITION_EXTRA_INFORMATION_UE | Extract Position Extra Information |
PER_EXT_POSITION_TREE_UE | Extract Position Tree |
PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO_ALL_UE | Position All Extra Information |
PER_POSITION_LEG_ALL_CONTEXT_UE | Position All Legislative Information |
PER_POSITION_VALID_GRADES_UE | Position Valid Grades |
PER_EXT_ACTIONS_UE | Extract Action Reasons |
PER_EXT_WORKSTRUCTURES_UE | Extract All Work Structures Data |
PER_EXT_SEC_GRADE_UE | Extract Secured Grades |
PER_EXT_GRADES_TL_UE | Grade Translation |
PER_EXT_GRADE_STEP_RATE_UE | Extract Grade Step Rate |
PER_GRADE_EXTRA_INFO_ALL_UE | Grade All Extra Information |
PER_GRADE_LEG_ALL_CONTEXT_UE | Grade All Legislative Information |
PER_GRADE_RATE_VALUES_UE | Grade Rate values |
PER_GSP_STEP_RATES_UE | Grade step rates |
PER_EXT_LOOKUPS_UE | Extract Lookups |
PER_EXT_SENIORITY_DATES_SETUP_UE | Extract Seniority Dates Setup |
PER_EXT_RESET_UE | Extract Reset Contexts. Dummy user entity |
PER_EXT_ROLES_UE | Extract Roles |
PER_EXT_CURRENCIES_UE | Extract Currencies |
PER_EXT_CALENDAR_COVERAGE_EVENTS_UE | Extract Calendar Coverage Events |
PER_EXT_CALENDAR_EVENTS_UE | Extract Calendar Events |
PER_EXT_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENTS_UE | Extract Collective Agreements |
PER_EXT_CONTRACT_DETAILS_UE | Extract Contract Details |
PER_EXT_DISABILITIES_UE | Extract Disabilities |
PER_EXT_DOCUMENT_TYPES_UE | Extract Document Types |
PER_EXT_ESTABLISHMENT_UE | Extract Establishments |
PER_EXT_ASG_STATUS_DETAILS_UE | Extract Assignment Status Types |
PER_EXT_ASG_RESPONSIBILITIES_UE | Extract Assignment Responsibilities |
PER_EXT_PERSON_TYPES_UE | Extract Person Status Types |
PER_EXT_SCH_ASG_UE | Schedule Assignment |
PER_EXT_SEC_LDG_UE | Extract Secured Legislative Data Groups |
PER_EXT_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_UE | Extract Legal Employers |
PER_EXT_LEGISLATIVE_DATA_GROUP_UE | Legislative Data Groups Details |
PER_EXT_LEG_EMP_CONTACT_DETAILS_UE | Extract Legal Employer Contact Details |
PER_EXT_PSU_UE | Extract Payroll Statutory Unit |
PER_EXT_LRU_CONTACT_DETAILS_UE | Extract Legal Reporting Unit Contact Details |
PER_EXT_TAX_REPORTING_UNIT_UE | Extract Tax Reporting Units |
PER_SENIORITY_DATES_SETUP_UE | This user entity is used for the seniority dates configuration information. |
Setup History User Entities | Description |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_GRADE_UE | Extract Secured Grades History |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_POSITION_UE | Extract Secured Positions History |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_JOB_UE | Extract Secured Jobs History |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_LOCATION_UE | Extract Secured Locations History |
PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_ORGANIZATION_UE | Extract Secured Organizations History |
PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_HISTORY_UE | Person Type Usages History |
This is not an exhaustive list of extracts, however it will serve as a reference when you look for user entity names.
The Most frequently used list of User Entities are listed below for ease of use:
PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_UE – Person, Assignment, Payroll, Compensation Info
PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_UE – Person and Assignment Info
PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_RANGE_UE – Assignment History range Info.
PER_EXT_RESET_UE – Dummy User Entity for creating Inbound Interfaces or for resetting effective dates when using history UEs.
SQL Query for getting complete list of User Entities:
Select * from ff_user_entities_vl
Tip: Selecting the right UE for root data group is important step that you take before creating an extract. So choose it wisely
Hi Sricharan,
Thanks a lot for posting useful information on user entities.
It would be more helpful if you could also explain how to find common fields (DBI) that are used to link/join different user entities.
I am from PeopleSoft background and found your this block very useful for my learning.
Thanks Anurag for the compliment. Even i am from peoplesoft background and learnt fusion in baby steps. Sure. I will post another article on how to identify the links between user entities.
Thanks a lot!!