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  • Post last modified:July 29, 2020
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You are currently viewing How to handle FF not compiled error for HCM Extracts
How to handle FF not compiled error for HCM Extracts

In this article we will look into handle the FF not compiled error with HCM Extracts.

We develop multiple HCM Extracts in order to integrate with multiple third party systems. There will be cases where the requirements change after the extract is developed. In these cases we make modifications to the already created HCM Extract. We then do the compile and validate for HCM Extract and then run the Extract.

If we do changes to key attribute or make additional attribute as key, then the extract might run to error as this is the most frequently faced issue with the Extracts.

The Extract will run to error with a message like “ORA-20001: Formula EXT_DEPT300000045016665_300000045016665 can’t be executed because it isn’t compiled.  Details: A formula must be compiled before it can be executed. ORA-06512: at “FUSION.FF_EXEC”, line 3769 ORA-06512: at “FUSION.FF_EXEC””. Which means there is some issue with the Extract Record Fast Formula with this specific name EXT_DEPT300000045016665_300000045016665.

image 69 1024x272 - How to handle FF not compiled error for HCM Extracts
FF not compiled error

Resolutions for this issue:

1. We can navigate to the Record in HCM Extract and then click on Generate Fast Formula and then Compile Formula. If there are multiple records, then you need to check the errors and navigate to all corresponding records and follow the same steps generate and compile. Finally Validate the extract and run the extract.

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Generate and Compile Fast Formula

2. Run the Extended Validation for the Extract and run the extract.

image 67 - How to handle FF not compiled error for HCM Extracts
Run Extended Validation

3. If the issue is still not resolved with the above two steps, then navigate to the Fast Formulas task, search for the Formula Name EXT_DEPT300000045016665_300000045016665 and delete this formula.

image 68 - How to handle FF not compiled error for HCM Extracts
Deleting the Extract Record Fast Formula

Now generate the and compile formula using Step 1 again. Validate the extract and run the extract. Now the issue should be resolved and the extract should run to success.

Other alternative would be copy the extract and create a new version to get rid of this issue. However we cannot keep on incrementing the version for each and every change and we can lose track of the version and every instance might end up in a different version (DEV, TEST and PROD).

This above approach will also help us during the migrations. As most of the times, we get this FF not compiled error when we run the extracts. I am sure that this error would get resolved with one of the above steps.

Tip: If at all the above listed approaches doesn’t work, then try cloning the extract with a new version by adding V1, V2 at the end of extract name to resolve this issue.