In this article we will look into how to access the Payroll Process Configuration task.
In our previous articles we have seen the importance of this task for adding logging functionality and adding multi threading capabilities for HCM Extracts, overriding the maximum size of BI Report for extracts, etc.
Today, I have come across an issue with unable to access this task from the client pod. As per Oracle DOC ID 2503026.1, this task should be available under Quick Actions in My Client Groups.
The privilege which provides this access is Payroll Process Configuration and is inherited by the Payroll Administrator and Payroll Manager. so, I have added these two roles along with Application Administrator, Integration specialist, etc. I have tried all possible roles in HCM to see if I get any luck with this task. However to my surprise it was not visible even after adding all roles.
I reached out to my beloved Telegram Group experts seeking help. Got the same answers on adding roles and some of them suggested checking for structure to see if they are enabled. However when I expand structure > My Client Groups I was not able to see quick actions in it. I have never worked on enabling and disabling quick actions and this is the first time I was checking the quick actions on structure.
Then I have talked to one of my friend on checking the quick actions and found that we have to click on “My Client Groups” instead of expanding the “My Client Groups” that I was doing earlier.
Now, I tried doing the same and found Payroll is disabled under quick actions (We have to create sandbox to check these details).
Now, I have clicked on Payroll and enabled it.
Once we click Save and Close again the changes are saved in the sandbox.
Now, I went into My Client Groups > Clicked on Show More at bottom of quick actions
Now, I an see the task. I went ahead and created the custom process configuration group and then deleted the sandbox as I don’t need that access again. Even if we delete the sandbox, the data that we added to the process configuration groups still remains.
Hope you find this useful if you get into similar issue.
Thanks for the detailed explanation, Sricharan