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You are currently viewing Configuring Payroll Process Configuration Groups
Configuring Payroll Process Configuration Groups

In this article we will look into setting up Payroll Process Configuration Groups and SQL Query to extract data.

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We use the Payroll Process Configuration groups while submitting HCM Extracts. These Configuration groups specify the multi threading count, BI output maximum size, GMFZT logging etc.

We can navigate to this page from Payroll > Quick Actions > Manage Payroll Process Configuration

image 22 - Configuring Payroll Process Configuration Groups

A sample Process Configuration looks like below.

image 3 1024x375 - Configuring Payroll Process Configuration Groups
Sample Payroll Process Configuration Group with values setup

We can have multiple process configuration groups one for each purpose. While submitting the process we should input the desired payroll process configuration group.

We normally create a multi threading parameter for a custom Payroll Process Configuration Group and set it to multiples of 8 up to 24 depending on the POD sizing and use it on the submit Extracts screen to run the HCM Extracts in parallel improving the performance. The parameter name for this would be ‘Threads Determines the total number of sub-processes that run under the concurrent manager. Default:1; Minimum:1

If you want to extract all payroll process configuration groups using SQL Query, you can use the below query to get the data:


Tip: You can define multiple Payroll Process Configuration groups for different purposes. One for running extracts and one for input data loads using transformation formulas, one for running payroll processes etc.