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How to modify the Welcome Email Notification for new users?

In this article, we will look into how to modify the welcome email that gets generated when the user account is created.

Table of Contents


Notifications should be enabled for the DEFAULT user category on the Security Console.

Predefined Notification Templates

There are seeded notifications provided by Oracle which sends the welcome email whenever a user is created. This table describes the predefined notification templates. Each template is associated with a predefined event.

For example, the Password Reset Template is associated with the password-reset event. You can see these notification templates and their associated events on the User Category: Notifications page of the Security Console for a user category.

Notification TemplateDescription
Password Expiry Warning TemplateWarns the user that a password is expiring soon and provides instructions for resetting the password
Password Expiration TemplateNotifies the user that a password has expired and provides instructions for resetting the password
Forgot User Name TemplateSends the user name to a user who requested the reminder
Password Generated TemplateNotifies the user that a password has been generated automatically and provides instructions for resetting the password
Password Reset TemplateSends a reset-password link to a user who performed the Reset Password action on the My Account page
Password Reset Confirmation TemplateNotifies the user when a password has been reset
Password Reset Manager TemplateSends a reset-password link to the manager of a user who performed the Reset Password action on the My Account page
Password Reset Manager Confirmation TemplateNotifies the user’s manager when a user’s password has been reset
New Account TemplateNotifies a user when a user account is created and provides a reset-password link
New Account Manager TemplateNotifies the user’s manager when a user account is created

When you create a user category, it’s associated automatically with the predefined notification templates, which are all enabled.

You can’t edit the predefined templates. However, you can create templates and disable the predefined versions. Each predefined event can be associated with only one enabled notification template at a time.

Enabling and Disabling Notifications

For any notification to be sent to the users in a user category, notifications in general must be enabled for the user category. Ensure that the Enable notifications option on the User Category: Notifications page is selected. When notifications are enabled, you can disable specific templates. For example, if you disable the New Account Template, then users in the relevant user category aren’t notified when their accounts are created. Other notifications continue to be sent.

To disable a template:

  1. Click Edit on the User Category: Notifications page.
  2. In edit mode, click the template name.
  3. In the template dialog box, deselect the Enabled option.
  4. Click Save and Close.
image 6 - How to modify the Welcome Email Notification for new users?

Tokens that can be used in Notifications

We have pre-defined tokens that we can use on the notification templates to get them populated in runtime with the values from employee/application etc.

userLoginIdUser nameForgot user namePassword expiredPassword reset confirmation
firstNameUser’s first nameAll events
lastNameUser’s last nameAll events
managerFirstNameManager’s first nameNew account created – managerPassword reset confirmation – managerPassword reset – manager
managerLastNameManager’s last nameNew account created – managerPassword reset confirmation – managerPassword reset – manager
loginURLURL where the user can sign inExpiring external IDP signing certificatePassword expiredPassword expiry warning
resetURLURL where the user can reset his or her passwordNew account created – managerNew user createdPassword generatedPassword resetPassword reset – manager
CRLFXNew lineAll events
SP4Four spacesAll events
adminActivityUrlURL where an administrator initiates an administration activityAdministration activity requested
providerNameExternal identity providerExpiring external IDP signing certificate
signingCertDNSigning certificateExpiring external IDP signing certificate
signingCertExpirationSigning certificate expiration dateExpiring external IDP signing certificateExpiring service provider signing certificate
encryptionCertExpirationEncryption certificate expiration dateExpiring service provider encryption certificate
adminFirstNameAdministrator’s first nameAdministration activity location based access disabled confirmationAdministration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation
adminLastNameAdministrator’s last nameAdministration activity location based access disabled confirmationAdministration activity single sign-on disabled confirmation

Modifying the Welcome Email for new user account

Here is how the seeded welcome email will look like:

image 5 - How to modify the Welcome Email Notification for new users?

Some observations from the above email:

  • It doesn’t contain the branding of the client.
  • It doesn’t contain the username that the candidate/employee needs to use.
  • It doesn’t contain the login URL of the application.

To provide a seamless experience for the Candidate/Employee, it is better to add more information on the welcome email so that they don’t need to reach out to the system administrator or recruiter to get these details.

Current Template looks like:

Dear ${firstName} ${lastName},${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4}Congratulations! Your Oracle Fusion Applications account has been successfully created.${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4}Please follow the link below to reset your password.${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4} ${resetUrl}${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4}For any issues, contact your system administrator.${CRLFX}${CRLFX}Thank You,${CRLFX} Oracle Fusion Applications${CRLFX}${CRLFX}

At run time, these tokens ${firstName}, ${lastName}, ${resetUrl}, etc are replaced with actual values.

Now the modified template with the addition of username will look like:

Dear ${firstName} ${lastName},
${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4}Congratulations! Your cloud account has been successfully created.
${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4}Your User Name is ${userLoginId}
${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4}Please follow the link below to reset your password.
${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4} ${resetUrl}
${CRLFX}${CRLFX}${SP4}Please follow the link below to login post reset.
For any issues, contact system administrator.
${CRLFX}${CRLFX}Thank You!

There is a {loginURL} token but it doesn’t work with new user account creation event. And even if we hardcode the URL, it will be shown as text only and not as hyperlink.

We cannot add client logo on this notification but we can add the text wording with client name to show a personalized notification.

Steps to modify the notification:

Navigate to Tools > Security Console

Click on User Categories

Click on DEFAULT unless you have multiple User Categories.

image 8 1024x258 - How to modify the Welcome Email Notification for new users?

Click on Add Template, select the event as “New user created” and paste the message.

image 9 - How to modify the Welcome Email Notification for new users?

Once we enable this template, the existing template will get disabled. At a time only one new user notification can be active.

Here is the sample welcome email with the modifications.

image 7 - How to modify the Welcome Email Notification for new users?
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