In this article we will look into the Organization chart and how to export it in multiple formats.
Login to application with an employee login as administrator login might not have an employee assigned. We would need a user with employee.
Manager hierarchy should be defined and the “Refresh Manager Hierarchy” process needs to be run periodically.
Navigate to Me > Directory
Click on My Organization Chart
It will open up a screen with Robert Jackman‘s direct reportees and also lists the manager hierarchy above Robert.
Here we can also export the Organization hierarchy for this employee using the Print option at the top right.
Once we click Print, we will be presented with options
We can chose the number of levels that we want to display on the output.
We can chose from different output formats SVG/PDF/PPT/EXCEL
We can also choose the orientation of the output – Horizontal/Vertical layout.
We can chose the fields to be displayed on the output. We can chose a max of 6 fields. We have the option to chose the photo as well.
Once we chose all these values, we can click preview to check the output
Preview of Horizontal Org Chart for Robert Jackman:
Here is how the Output PDF file looks like:
We can include additional fields as well while printing the Organization Chart.
We can also print the organization chart for other employees in the organization based upon the access you have. You can search for employee on the Directory page and print the organization chart.
We can also customize the Organization Chart by customizing the template. Like replacing Oracle Logo with Client Logo and doing some formatting changes kind of.
How to Customize Organization Chart:
- Navigate to XMLP Server using link –
- Then navigate to /Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/My Information/My Portrait/DirectoryPrintReport
- Click on More and you will see Customize option.
- Click on Customize and it will create a new report in custom folder at /Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/My Information/My Portrait (notice the change in path).
- The seeded rtf template looks like below:
- We can modify the template and upload it to the report in custom folder. If there is a need, we can customize the Data Model as well which is present at path:
- Whenever the print process runs, it will check the custom folder to see if there is any custom template available, if yes it will use the custom template, else it will use the seeded template.
Hope this is useful. If you haven’t tried it out, please do and let me know if you face any issues.