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You are currently viewing Setting default preferences for all users and overriding them
Setting default preferences for all users and overriding them

In this article we will look into setting the default preferences for all users in that instance.

For any instance, by default the timezone that is shown for all users is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and all the datetime fields will be stored in the database tables in UTC timezone only.

Even if the user overrides the timezone setting in user preferences, he/she will see the dates in their local timezone on the application, but still the datetime is stored in the database tables in UTC timezone only.

Administrator has the access to override the default settings for the below attributes:

  • Language
  • Display Name
  • Territory
  • Date Format
  • Time Format
  • Number Format
  • Currency
  • Timezone

Table of Contents

How to set the default settings for all users:

Login to application using a super user access.

Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Search >
Search for the task “Set User General Preferences

global admin preferences 1024x392 - Setting default preferences for all users and overriding them
Global Admin Preferences

These are the default settings. Now the administrator has access to override these settings. Ex: we want to set the settings to Indian context.

indian settings - Setting default preferences for all users and overriding them
Settings for Indian timezone, Indian Currency and 12hr time format

Similarly we can modify if to the client local settings based on the region the client is based out of.

We have a check box “Reset preferences for new users only“. If we check this box and save it, then the preferences will apply only to the new users who get created post the settings are changed. If this check box is not selected, then all users will have these default preferences applied unless the user has overridden the settings at user level.

Now, we will see how a user can override these settings.

How to override the default settings for the loggedin user:

Once the user is logged in, we can click on the Username at the top right corner and select the Set Preferences.

set preferences - Setting default preferences for all users and overriding them
Override default Preferences at User Level
Regioonal preferences - Setting default preferences for all users and overriding them
Select Regional Preferences
overridden preferences - Setting default preferences for all users and overriding them
Overridden preferences at user level

Here we can set the user level preferences and click save for them to take effect.

Tip: The user preferences override the default settings set by the administrator. However administrator preferences are applied to all users if they don’t have overrides defined.