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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2020
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You are currently viewing Hiding input parameters on BI report
Hiding input parameters on BI report

In this post, we will look into hiding the input parameters on BI Report for user prompt even though they have been defined at data model level.

We will define the input parameters at the Data Model level and when we associate the Data Model to BI Report, the BI Report inherits the input parameters from Data Model and shows us the prompt when we run the BI Report.

Let’s see a sample data model with multiple input parameters:

Sample Data Model 1 - Hiding input parameters on BI report
BI Data Model with three input parameters

We can see that this Data Model has three input parameters.

Now let’s navigate to BI Report and let’s default both Person number and Assignment Number to “All” value so we will be left only with the Effective Date parameter.

Parameters option 1024x340 - Hiding input parameters on BI report
Click on Parameters button at right top after clicking on Edit Report

Click on Edit for BI Report. Click on the Parameters button at right top.

default and hide 1024x514 - Hiding input parameters on BI report
Add default value and uncheck the show checkbox

Uncheck the show checkbox for Person Number and Assignment Number parameters and add default value of “All” to both. We can select any default value and the report will run based on the default value we select on this screen. Click OK and save the Report.

Now click on view Report

New parameters 1024x207 - Hiding input parameters on BI report
We can see only the Effective Date parameter

As we have hidden the Person Number and Assignment Number, we can only see the Effective Date parameter when we try to run the report.

This feature can be used if you want to provide a different version of report to different users, however you can reuse the same datamodel for all reports. Ex: You can default the legal entity and hide it and create BI Reports for each legal entity and you can give access to end users by legal entity.

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