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You are currently viewing SQL Query to fetch Bank, Branches and External Bank Accounts
SQL Query to fetch Bank, Branches and External Bank Accounts

In this article we will look into the queries to fetch the Bank and Branch setup details and the External Bank Account details.

Table of Contents

Query to fetch Bank Details:

SELECT bank_name
,to_char(start_date,'RRRR-MM-DD') start_date
,to_char(end_date,'RRRR-MM-DD') end_date
FROM ce_banks_v
WHERE :p_effective_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
AND NVL(:p_bank_name,bank_name) = bank_name

Query to fetch Bank Branch Details:

SELECT bank_name
,to_char(start_date,'RRRR-MM-DD') start_date
,to_char(end_date,'RRRR-MM-DD') end_date
FROM ce_bank_branches_v
WHERE :p_effective_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
/AND nvl(:p_bank_name,bank_name) = bank_name/
AND nvl(:p_branch_name
,bank_branch_name) = bank_branch_name
/AND :p_branch_name = bank_branch_name/

Query to fetch External Bank Account Details:

SELECT country_code
,to_char(eba.start_date,'RRRR-MM-DD') start_date
,to_char(eba.end_date,'RRRR-MM-DD') end_date
FROM ce_banks_v cb
,ce_bank_branches_v cbbv
,iby_ext_bank_accounts eba
WHERE cb.bank_party_id = eba.bank_id
AND cbbv.branch_party_id = eba.branch_id
and :p_effective_Date between eba.start_date and eba.end_date