As part of 23B upgrade, Oracle has introduced new attributes on the worker file ((Standard Annual Working Duration, Annual Working Duration Units, Annual Working Duration, Annual Working Ratio, Assignment Standard Working Hours, and Adjusted FTE). These attributes are hidden by default on the Responsive UI and need to be enabled using Experience Design Studio.
Oracle Documentation link for 23B –
There are some clients still using Classic UI and these fields will not be visible on the classic pages. However, when they do any assignment changes, the AdjustedFTE field is getting auto-calculated, and setting the value to AdjustedFTE field on PER_ALL_ASSIGNEMNTS_M table which in turn is showing up on the Assignment history page on the Person Management screen.

When the employee had a manager change upload using HDL, the Adjusted FTE also is auto-calculated and shown on the history.
In order to avoid this scenario, we need to add the AdjustedFte attribute to both WorkTerms and Assignment business objects and pass the value as #NULL. If we do this, the auto-calculation will not happen and the load will work as it used to work before 23B upgrade.

There is also a known issue with 23B Fusion HCM Data Loader: Assignment Working Hours Is Getting Defaulted to Standard Working Hours for New Date Splits (Doc ID 2950488.1)
While Oracle is working on a permanent fix, they have provided query to generate HDL to fix the issue for the future HDL loads.