You are currently viewing SQL Query to fetch Costing of Persons information
SQL Query to fetch Costing of Persons information

In this article, we will try to fetch the Costing of Persons.

We can access this information using the task Costing of Persons.

SQL Query to pull costing of Persons Information:

SELECT legislative_data_group
FROM pay_cost_allocations_f alloc
	,per_legislative_data_groups_vl ldg
	,pay_rel_groups_dn rel
	,per_person_names_f_v person
	,per_all_assignments_m_v asg
	,pay_cost_alloc_accounts accounts
WHERE alloc.legislative_data_group_id = ldg.legislative_data_group_id
	AND alloc.source_type = 'ASG'
	AND alloc.source_id = rel.relationship_group_id
	AND rel.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
	AND alloc.effective_start_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
		AND asg.effective_end_date
	AND asg.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
	AND asg.person_id = person.person_id
	AND alloc.effective_start_date BETWEEN person.effective_start_date
		AND person.effective_end_date
	AND alloc.cost_allocation_record_id = accounts.cost_allocation_record_id(+)