Session variables are used frequently in BI Publisher when the reports are being exposed to employees to add data security on top of the existing query.
We need to write query to pull only the logged in user information and for this we will use the session variable. Apart from this user, there are many other session variables and we are going to look at them now.
Logged in User Person ID – HRC_SESSION_UTIL.get_user_personid
Logged in User Username – :xdo_user_name
Logged in User Username – FND_GLOBAL.USER_NAME
Logged in User GUID – fnd_global.user_guid
Logged in User SessionID – userenv(‘sessionid’)
Logged in User Language – USERENV (‘LANG’)
Logged in User Business Group – fnd_profile.value(‘PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID’)
You can add these to the SQL Query as per your requirement and get appropriate results.
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How to use these session variable in BI Publisher DataModel Query:
Like How to write this in SQL Query
Use “Logged in User Person ID – HRC_SESSION_UTIL.get_user_personid”.. The one you mentioned does not work in BI Reports.. It works for OTBI. Not too sure if PERSON_ID_HCM is valid for OTBI too.