In this article we will look into how to view the LDAP requests from HCM to LDAP which gets created when loading Users, Adding Roles, Modifying any User attributes.
Whenever a new user is created/user role is added/user update is created, a request will be created in LDAP requests PER_LDAP_REQUESTS table and when we run the “Send Pending LDAP Requests” process, those pending requests will be sent over to LDAP and they will be processed and will take into effect when they are successful.
Sometimes, the LDAP requests may get suppresses/rejected/faulted due to which the actual user account/role changes will not take into effect and we will have to diagnose the issue and find the root cause of the issue. And these seeded LDAP Request Dashboard and LDAP Request Information reports helps us diagnose the problem with the requests.
IT Security Job Role is required to run these reports.
These reports are present at the path Shared Folders > Human Capital Management > Workforce Management > Human Resources Dashboard > LDAP Request Dashboard
Table of Contents
LDAP Request Dashboard
The LDAP Request Dashboard report is used to monitor the status of LDAP requests in Oracle HCM Cloud.
The report can filter requests by the following criteria:
- Within the Last N Days – LDAP Request updated within the last N days
- Request Type – LDAP Request Type (LOV- All, Create, Update, Suspends, Activate, UserRoles, Terminates)
- Request Status – LDAP Request Status (LOV- All, Complete, Faulted, In Progress, Request, Suppressed, Rejected, Consolidated, Part Complete)
This report displays the aggregate request counts for the specified request type and request status. The report can be refreshed as the requests are processed to determine the status of the requests in Oracle HCM Cloud.
Let’s run the Dashboard Report and check what info this report provides:

As we can see, this dashboard provides a lot of information:
- User Setup at Enterprise level
- Username generation Rules
- Notification Templates Enabled
- Count of Requests by Status
- Count of Types of Requests
- Finally the Request Summary
LDAP Request Information
The LDAP Request Information report contains details of the LDAP requests in Oracle HCM Cloud.
The report can filter requests by the following criteria:
- Within the Last N Days– LDAP Request updated within the last N days
- Request Type– LDAP Request Type (LOV- All, Create, Update, Suspends, Activate, UserRoles, Terminates)
- Request Status– LDAP Request Status (LOV- All, Complete, Faulted, In Progress, Request, Suppressed, Rejected, Consolidated, Part Complete)
The report displays LDAP request details that assist in analyzing issues with user creation and updates in Oracle HCM Cloud.

Note: These reports will be useful to the IT Security Managers who want to monitor the LDAP Requests particularly those that have failed or are still in progress to analyze any issues/tickets that might have been raised by the end users unable to access functionality due to role changes.